Attendance of Mr Tatsuya Yamauchi’s sacred tree violin concert (19th July 2024)

On Friday, 19th July, Mr Tatsuya Yamauchi, Ms Mine Yamauchi, and Ms Kaori Kozakai of Miyazaki prefecture performed a violin concert at the University of Edinburgh, co-hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Mr Yamauchi has been active both in Japan and abroad, using the violin and shakuhachi flute to convey themes of the country’s history and scenery. After he performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 14 years ago, he did a concert tour in Scotland hosted by the Consulate. He also received an award from the Consul General’s Commendation in 2012. This year marked the first concert he had done in Scotland in 10 years.

At the concert, Mr Yamauchi performed using a violin made from the wood of a sacred Japanese tree and played both Japanese and Scottish music as well as an original composition of his own. The audience also participated in the concert, which invoked a feeling of unity.

We hope that more Japanese artists like Mr Yamauchi will visit Scotland to perform.