Holding of The Fringe Japan 2024 (13th August 2024)

On Tuesday, August 13th, The Fringe Japan 2024 was held at the University of Edinburgh. At the event, Japanese artists promoted their Edinburgh Festival Fringe performances and shows, and there were sports related lectures to coincide with the Paris Olympics and Paralympics. The Fringe Japan artist promotion event was introduced with greetings from Consul General Tadashi Fujiwara, which was followed by a warm welcome to the Japanese artists from Chairman of the Cross-party Group on Japan Colin Smyth (MSP) and Fringe Deputy Chief Executive Lyndsey Jackson as the curtains opened. After that, the below artists gave demonstrations of their Fringe performances, much to the excitement of the audience. Ketch:Pantomime Comedy Tokyo Tap Do!:Tap Dance doublet:Drama Yuriko Kotani:Stand-up Comedy 望ノ社(Mochinosha Puppet Company):Shadow Play GABEZ:Comedy Takeshi Wakasugi:Stand-up Comedy Witty Look:Circus For the sports related events, the Stage Director of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics Kris Yoshie, Judo Scotland national coach Takafumi Kitahara, rugby player in Scotland Kenta Kutsuna, and promoter of sumo in Scotland Clan Sumo Scotland were in attendance. There were lectures and demonstrations, along with questions from the audience answered, all of which made the events a valuable chance to learn about sports in Japan. |